Our Call To Intercession

Several years ago we met on a mission trip to the mountains of West Virginia. God had brought us together through the very thing that moved our hearts. We longed to go to the deepest, darkest places and bring the Light and Hope of Christ. We wanted to bring love to the unloved and to touch the broken hearts of the ones the world had forgotten.
On November 28th, 2010, God awakened our passion again. We heard the call that God had laid before us. He was calling us to a lifestyle of prayer as Intercessory Missionaries.
 As Intercessory Missionaries, our desire is to:

•               Fulfill the first and greatest commandment through 24/7 worship led prayer. Taking the eternal, continual praise that is happening in heaven and making it an earthly reality. Night and day prayer acts as a fountain of living water for the community as a place for healing, deliverance and increasing the knowledge of our awesome God.

•               Reach out to the poor and needy of the earth by marrying the missions movement and the prayer movement, believing that the most powerful outreach comes from a place of continual prayer.

 •              Act as a missions base, training leaders to do night and day prayer in their city or church, as an effective way to engage the nations with the gospel.

We will be serving at the International House of Prayer in Atlanta. This missions base is led by singles and families who raise their own financial support to see to it that night and day prayer never ceases. Over 600 people attend our weekly prayer meetings as we establish a culture of prayer in our city and care for our community.

 We will be spending 40-50 hours a week at the prayer mission’s base. In order for us to do the mission God has called us to, we will need monthly financial partners. We ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us in this way.
Please feel free to contact us .We would love to share more of our vision with you or to lift you up in prayer.
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