Thursday, March 20, 2014

His Desire
At the house of prayer, we spend several hours a week praying for the people in the Hollywood entertainment industry. With fervency and urgency we are asking God to encounter those in Hollywood with revelation of the
 love of Jesus Christ .
 We are a praying for a unprecedented revival, in hopes that the gospel would begin to go forth from Hollywood. 
We cry out for those who do not know Him, because they are the desire of His heart.
We believe Jesus has a dream in His heart for Hollywood
That her eyes would be open to see the beauty of God

That she would be consumed with burning love for the One who burns with love for her 

 That she would be filled with the knowledge of God and dwell with him for all eternity  

That she would worship the one true living God and He would be glorified through her.
What if God wants to use Hollywood to spread the Gospel to the nations of the Earth? 
What if it's not only possible, but actually a burning Desire of His heart and He's simply waiting for us to partner with Him in prayer?
With Him all things are possible.